lördag 30 oktober 2010


is a term describing the deceptive use of green PR or green marketing in order to promote a misleading perception that a company's policies or products (such as goods or services) are environmentally friendly. The term green sheen has similarly been used to describe organizations that attempt to show that they are adopting practices beneficial to the environment.

A lot of companys use Oeko-Tex certified cotton nowadays, and it doesn´t automatically mean that it´s ecological, nor produced in a fair trade environment. GOTS certification requires organic status of textiles as well as environmentally and socially responsible manufacturing.
Keep that in mind when looking for eco clothes!

Have a nice weekend!


fredag 17 september 2010

The website

..is updated, and our shipment is located somewhere outside Crete, on it´s way to Gothenburg! Soon It´s time for launch!
Have a great weekend! Love from Sture&Lisa

fredag 6 augusti 2010

The production is ongoing...

..and the garments will be shipped in the beginning of next week! We are truly happy that we found our new supplier in Mauritius, and the quality is amazing!

onsdag 14 juli 2010

The launch of our new collection

is unfortunately a bit postponed, but will be in September!

söndag 18 april 2010

New factory!

Now our new order is placed, almost!
My parments are at the moment going through all details. This weekend I have worked with putting together everything regarding merchandise, measurments and colour specifications.

The new factory is actually situated in Mauritius. It is fair trade and GOTS certified and the organisations is non profit making and dedicated to the welfare of disabled people. It took me a while finding the them, but now the gut feeling is totally right!

Have a nice week!

lördag 10 april 2010

Red lions or green dogs?

I´ll keep the blue lions, but the question is now:
Green dogs or red lions? :)
Thank you so much for your help!
Much love!

tisdag 2 mars 2010

Sture&Lisa goes english

Since we have retailers and friends all over the world, this blog will turn into english!
A lot of fun things are happening these days. We are still in the process of piecing together our next collection. Since our new factory is waiting for an approval from FLO Cert (fair trade certification) the launch will be a bit postponed.

Here is one rough sketch of one of our new bodys!

Much love!

tisdag 5 januari 2010

Ny kollektion på gång!

Sture&Lisa håller på för fullt att designa nästkommande kollektion.
Inget är bestämt med det ryktas om både fladdermöss, traktorer och lejon.
Ett motiv som sitter ganska säkert är det här, vilket har arbetsnamnet "landet". Motivet kan eventuellt vara en bearbetning av att vi köpt ett litet hus med en mycket stor trädgård till.

Good Jul!

Luciahelgen var hur mysig som helst med Good Jul på Lilla torg.
Massvis med vintage-, eko- och fair tradeprylar i mycket tjusiga montrar.
Det var så trevligt att man nästan glömde bort minusgraderna, ibland iallafall.